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Abbreviated CV

Carson P. Hedberg


University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM

M.S and Ph.D., Biology

Graduate Advisor: Felisa Smith

Anticipated graduation: May 2024


Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

B.A., Earth and Environmental Science

Undergraduate Advisor: Larisa DeSantis

Graduation: May 2016, cum laude

Grants & Awards

2018      National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship

2019      Paleontology Society, Poster Award (2nd place)

2019      International Biogeography Society, Travel Award

2020      University of New Mexico, Research Coaching Fellowship

2021      American Society of MammalogistsA. Brazier Howell Award

2021      Biology Graduate Student Association, Research Award

2021      UNM Biology Department, Summer Research Award

2021      UNM Biology Department, Joseph Gaudin Award

2021      Sevilleta LTER, Summer Research Fellowship

2021      CPEG, Presentation Award (1st place)

2022      UNM Biology Department, Joseph Gaudin Award

2022      Sevilleta LTET, Summer Research Fellowship

2022      UNM Graduate Studies, Doctoral Conference Presentation Award

2022      American Society of Mammalogists, Grant-in-Aid of Research

2022      UNM Graduate Student Association, New Mexico Research Grant

2023      UNM Biology Department, Joseph Gaudin Award

2023      American Society of Mammalogists, Student Travel Award


Smith, F., Elliott Smith, E., Hedberg, C., Lyons, S., Pardi, M., & Tomé, C. (2023). After the mammoths: The ecological legacy of late Pleistocene megafauna extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction, 1-55.


Hedberg, C. P., Lyons, S. K., & Smith, F. A. (2021). The hidden legacy of megafaunal extinction: Loss of functional diversity and resilience over the Late Quaternary at Hall’s Cave. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, 294– 307. 



Hedberg, C., & DeSantis, L. R. G. (2017). Dental microwear texture analysis of extant koalas: clarifying causal agents of microwear. Journal of Zoology, 301(3), 206-214. https://doi-org/10.1111/jzo.12413


DeSantis, L. R. G., & Hedberg, C. (2017). Stable isotope ecology of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Australian Journal of Zoology, 64 (5), 353-359.


Hedberg, C. P., S. K. Lyons, Smith, Felisa A., “Know thy neighbor: Unpacking patterns in mammal functional and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene.” June 2022. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ.


Hedberg, C. P., S.K. Lyons, Smith, Felisa A., “Know thy neighbor: Unpacking patterns in mammal functional and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene.” June 2022. International Biogeography Society Biennial Conference. Vancouver, BC.


Hedberg, C. P., Smith, F. A. “Know thy neighbor: Unpacking functional and phylogenetic diversity gradients in the Anthropocene.” October 2021. International Biogeography Society Early Career Biogeographers Conference (virtual).


Hedberg, C. P., S. K. Lyons, Smith, F. A. “The hidden legacy of megafaunal extinction:  Functional diversity and ecosystem resilience loss over the Late Quaternary.” September 2021. 2nd Crossing the Paleontological Ecological Gap Conference (virtual).


Hedberg, C. P., S. K. Lyons, Smith, F. A. “The hidden legacy of megafaunal extinction:  Functional diversity and ecosystem resilience loss over the Late Quaternary.” June 2021. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting (virtual).


Hedberg, C. P., S. K. Lyons, Smith, F. A. “The hidden legacy of megafaunal extinction:  A fine-scale examination of functional diversity over the Late Quaternary.” October 2020. Society for Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting (virtual).


Rovelli, R. C., A. J. Cotter, C. H. Dwyer, N. A. Freymueller, K. H. Gaines, C. P. Hedberg, J. S. Keller, J. S. Silviria, J. D. Witts, J. R. Moore, and C. E. Myers. 2019. “Using PaleoENM to predict patterns of survivorship in the Hell Creek Formation across the K/Pg mass extinction”. September 2019. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ


Hedberg, C. P., DeSantis, L. R. G “Clarifying causal agents of dental microwear formation as revealed by koalas.” October 2016. Society for Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT

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